Reub's journey

10 March 2016

Between parties

Winter solitude-
in a world of one color,
the sound of the wind.
Matsuo Basho

In the Cascade Mountains of Oregon the slippery winter roads are sanded with red volcanic ash. It works pretty well, giving tires the traction they need and causing the snowbanks to melt into strange sculptures this time of year.

Log jams are everywhere, left behind by the high waters of the season.

It's March, and while the daffodils are blooming in the valley, it is still winter's last hurrah in the mountains.

This year we nearly missed winter completely in western Oregon. El Niño brought us rain but no snow in the valley. So I was happy to see the white stuff this past weekend when we spent a few days in the mountains.

It was like being late to a big party. Most people had already left and the  celebration appeared to be completely over.

The major players had all gone home, the skiers and snowmobilers had hung up their gear. Even the ice was melted off the lake.

 Perhaps it was too late for winter's party. Cold and quiet except for rustling branches and the drip-drip of melting snow, it was, however, nice and early for spring's big bash.

Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes...
Matsuo Basho


  1. Hello, I love the pretty view of the lake. Our warm weather has thankfully melted all our snow. Pretty photos and post. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

    1. Such a warm spell on the east coast. I don't know you guys, but winter might have another shoe to drop. :-)

  2. A little bit of winter to delay spring - often we get a lot of winter and spring doesn't arrive at all. The snow just lasts until summer! I love the tree in puddle reflection and the picnic table shot. Enjoy your spring. All that rain should make some lovely flowers!

    1. You live up high in the Rockies and the seasons are so much different than anywhere else. Here in western Oregon it is a spring climate for about 8 months out of every year...that's pretty weird too.

  3. i like the snow melt on the dock - almost looks like a skull.

  4. I don't know, I like winter. I'm glad our mountains actually had one this year.

    1. Me too. I do like winter and am SO glad there is a snow pack up there.

    2. I don't mind winter as long as it stays warm and sunny.

    3. Sposed to snow another couple of feet up there this weekend.

  5. Peggy heard today that Willamette Pass was down from six-feet to thirty-inches.

    1. Peggy's right, though they've been getting snow up on the mountain above the pass. We were at Odell Lake and I'd say 30 inches was right.

  6. Glad you got some snow. In winter climes, it just seems right. Mind you, we get a little chafed with it at times. It's going fast here, but we still have a rather big pile on our lawn from winter clearing of the driveway.

    1. AC you get the most amazing big snows where you are! I remember snow banks like that from my childhood in Wisconsin.

  7. some beautiful pictures. I like winter when it stays up north. and snow is good as long as it doesn't snow down here. I don't like being cold. it freezes me into immobility.

    1. I don't like being cold either, although I love putting on cold weather clothes. I have so many warm plaid shirts that my students called me The Flannel Channel.

  8. so many beautiful images....the everyday ordinary, looking extraordinary!!!!

  9. Glad to see your images of melting snow. We did not have any big snows this winter (knock on wood) and while I was partially glad I was partially sad.

    1. Spring is on its way. Right now though, it is snowing like crazy up there where I took these pics last weekend! Winter, still.

  10. Spring comes, it's almost here. I can feel it! :-) Thanks, beautiful post.

    Greetings from London.

  11. Fun photos. I remember in Colorado going into the mountains long after the ski season and it did look as if I had been late to the party. Those snow sculptures ARE intriguing.

  12. So logjam is a jam of logs, is it? well, I never knew that.
    Splendid pictures, almost black and white.


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