Reub's journey

05 May 2009

Late spring

Wild cherry

It has been breezy and wet these past few days, so I'm glad we got out in the woods last week and saw the wild cherries in blossom. Now their petals, like fallen snow, are mostly on the ground. What a late spring it has been this year in Oregon.

Western Bleeding Heart


  1. These pictures make me miss home! How pretty.

  2. Well, the cherry blossoms have come and gone here,and it's edging towards 80F and I have a feeling it's going to stay that way. It was cool and rainy on Monday; I don't cool anymore.

  3. At the rate we're going, it might still be spring when you get back in October!

  4. Spring has been very late here i Ontario as well.

    Then suddenly last weekend it was here. Having taken so long to make an appearance, I hope it lasts.


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