Reub's journey

21 April 2010

Reub's Next Top Model

Well, it's Wednesday and you know what that means. Or probably you don't. OK, I'll just have to say it: it's America's Next Top Model Night around here, a dumb and unlikely addiction for somebody who doesn't wear make-up or care about fashion. It's one of those guilty pleasures that I'm not proud of, but also a silly girl-time that I share with Jessica before she finds herself in the throes of graduate school a world away from stuff like this. Reub shares these times, too, usually sprawled on the couch next to J. Every week there is some new weird modeling challenge featured on the show. Figuring that they could use a fresh idea I suggest a "Pose With Reub Challenge." It might go something like this:

Thursday is Project Runway Night. We're workin' on that too.


  1. It appears he does know how to vamp for the camera!

  2. Jessica (and Reub) would win the top modeling prize for sure.

  3. i think you're on to something here...wish i were sharing your indulgence a little! i think reuben is hogging the shots a bit, though, don't you think?

  4. Reuben is hogging the couch more than anything.


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