Reub's journey

19 October 2016

Complex world

Detail from 6th grade painting. My student, natch.
Today I read an article about how hard it is to be a seventh grade teacher. Specifically, how do you teach 12 year olds to make rational arguments in mock political debates conducted at school, in the current political climate? The kids interviewed in this article sounded so smart and reasonable. But sadly the first two debates could not even make the cut for what is permissible to be shown in a classroom and schools have to use the old Romney-Obama debates as examples.

I am skipping tonight's debate, even though it may be the best. At least I hope it is better than the others.

Instead I'm looking at photos of former middle-school student art work. Among other things, I used to teach calligraphy to 8th graders, and was always amazed by what they chose to quote in their projects. Is this a Green Day quote? I think so. Written in a tenuous beginner's hand it's a beautiful one for this rainy Oregon October.

It is a complex world facing our kids, but there is hope for them. When you look at what they can do, and what they have already said or produced, all is not lost.

 Despite the opposing forces out there, we will survive. And maybe, just maybe, things will improve. Let's fervently hope so.


  1. I've met many young people - my kid's friends and younger co-workers and I think they are creative, passionate and resilient.

  2. This is intriguing look at their art. Have not heard from you in some time and glad that you are posting again.Working around children is such a blessing and keeps you young and I miss that.

    1. Haha, yes; I miss me too. Since I retired I I don't get to post much kids'art anymore.

  3. It's good to nurture young brains. Maybe the future will avoid the calamity of the present political scene.

  4. It is going to put a lot of pressure on our young people to clean up the current political mess. I believe they can do it.

    1. Boy, I hope so. I hope they don't fall in their parents' footsteps.

  5. Hello, the art work is great. The Green Day quote does like one of their songs. Have a great day and weekend ahead!

  6. well, yes, this too shall pass, but into what? my husband thinks real change won't be possible til the baby boomers die and I tend to agree with him (because I think this rift was born during the 60s) but I don't know. we're seeing younger generations embroiled in the same hate and divisiveness.

    1. Yeah. It could just continue its tailspin. :( I try to remain optimistic.

  7. I, too, fear how the political debate has become so toxic. Great post. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

    1. Yes, unfortunately the toxicity is not confined to the USA.


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