Reub's journey

20 July 2010

Circle of blue

I'm still writing about Italy and people must be getting tired of it. It's just that I came home with 772 pictures and I have to show every last one, or so it must seem!

The most remarkable thing about the Pantheon in Rome is that it is open to the sky. When the weather is clear you look up from the dim interior to a stunning circle of blue high above: I remember nothing else about the Pantheon except gazing up at this.


  1. What a marvelous memory and photograph. Thank you for sharing something that I'll never have the opportunity to experience myself.

  2. WOW. I knew the second I saw the photo that it was the view from the Pantheon. How cool that you captured a bird from that angle.

    I never get tired of reading about Italy, especially Rome. Fantastic.

  3. A magical view to keep the memory alive! Great shot!

  4. It is a beautiful sight to gaze at..although I thought it was from a porthole at first.

  5. What a beautiful photo. I'm glad you told us what it is. I would not tire of Italy photos!

  6. that is an exceptional photo
    really beautiful

  7. When I saw the thumbnail photo on the links page I thought a porthole too.
    What a great capture - nice composition with the bird.


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