Reub's journey

26 February 2009

Snow white and spring green

The lichen on the oak tree, puffy from the rain, was laced with sparkles.

One of my favorite sounds in the world is the patter of rain on the roof as I fall asleep. A common occurrence for a late winter's evening in the Pacific Northwest, this was happening last night at 11 PM. This morning, though, there was the distinct muffled atmosphere that only a thick snow can bring, quieting the birds and any passing traffic. Snow! A belated valentine from Winter, blown with a frosty kiss towards Spring's mild face. A perfect storm: not serious enough to ice the roads but enough to turn the muddy back yard into a fairyland, if only for a few gorgeous hours.


  1. HI MOM!
    Your blog is soooooo cool. It's got everything I like: dogs, books, neat people in history, and YOU. Your fan base is rapidly spreading through the Sahel, right on the heels of the harmattans...
    Talk with you tonight!
    xoxoxo Jessica

  2. Wow, it's Jessica! Who almost never gets to a place where there is internet! Do you know just how much I love to be called COOL? OK, I'll settle for the blog being cool, that's even better.

  3. Dear Mom,
    You, madam, are cool, in multiple languages. As we say it here in the arid lands, ke ta kwarai ce.
    I love you!


Talk to me.